Hi everyone,
animation that i decided to make in UHD resolution, very time taking rendering but i think it was worth it
any comments and critics are welcome
Hi everyone,
animation that i decided to make in UHD resolution, very time taking rendering but i think it was worth it
any comments and critics are welcome
Nice job.
as @Asdfghjkl commented - it is a nice job! Took me back to the series, the mind’s eye almost able to see the characters in there! I dread to think how much you and your PC would have aged if you did that in Cycles! It’s great!
Stunning work!!mate.:eyebrowlift2:how long does it take to render?
Thanks guys, it wasn’t that bad @edgel3d, we’re both still young and fresh, me and PC , it took over 75 hours of rendering, mostly in 12 - 15 hours sessions
How much time per frame?
Looks nice, although you could improve the models quite a bit: First of all, they lack geometry. They all are rather flat, and that gives you a flat/unrealistic shading. Then, very important. Always bevel edges! Always! Your edges of the walls, tables and stuff look very sharp, nothing that you would see in the real world. Always bevel
With that kind of lightning you can use glsl shaders and shadows. There is no reason why you should render 75 hours.
I do like the interior, it’s very nostalgic. Those late night I was awake watching TV.
Hey people, thanks for comments, tips and advices… it took 75 hours cos was rendered in 4k so more-less 4 times longer than regular FHD, but i wanted to try at least once various time per frame depending on complexity of the frame, you know, details and materials, approx. 3-5 min per frame. it looks better on 4k monitor but what i didn’t know 4k render scaled down looks different than rendered just in 1080p
Very nice with amazing resolution but are you sure it only took 3 - 5 minutes per frame? That is one Killer Machine you are working on there.