4x4 vehicle game

TYVM! Appreciated. I’ve been having a blast chiseling away at this, and glad to help.

The little “L”'s on the right side of the motion actuator determine if the motion is global or local. If the L box is depressed (dark), it’s local, up (light) it’s global. Constraints seem only to work with local coordinates (since they are usually used in relation to another object.)


I’d love to see the .blend when you have a chance. It’d be interesting to see how you handle the center of mass and deformation for a track (multiple pieces, locked track, follow path…?)

Increased the mass of the vehicle to decrease gravity back to normal. Keys are the same. Removed a BUNCH of unused textures, materials, and those ugly sound blocks. Down to 2 megs now. Getting close to what I want out of the vehicle, but the steering still needs work.

Now that the masses are higher, I can see where the wheel bounding boxes are hitting the body (now causes a bit of roll…) I’ll work on fixing that. Thinking of trying out a multi-component wheel to simulate tread, and reduce the size of the bounding boxes. A little concerned with performance as it would substantially increase the number of actors, but I’ll give it a shot.

.blend is here or on the first post.

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Just added some nice rock textures and a sky box. Updated parent post with screenies.

Updated .blend is here

Wow, the rock texture adds a lot! It’s really looking (and playing) nice now. Good job!


I like it but it’s too slow I think you should speed it up to make it more thriilling.

Im glad to see this progress maked progress since last time I was on this forum. This is possble the best blendergame ever, at least I think so. Coz many games are boring fps-hl-wannabes and stuff, me not like…
But this… this is something I never played before, not even on a commersial-game

Are you still working on this game? I’m really interesred. :slight_smile: