6 pictures with radiosity and post texturing (updated)

Strange building:
original render: http://endi.euromarknet.hu/buil_ori.jpg

Chess-like thing:

Strange scene:

Dawn os Suzy, post apocaliptic vision :slight_smile:

wow, very nice, i like the sumo chess scene and the weird building :smiley:

goood work :smiley:

You’re showing great improvements in your works… I enjoy these pictures, even they’re depressive. I wonder how the fall affects many of us, so we do such fateful art :wink:

This is such a good work, a tut would be largely appreciated IMO.

How do you manage to mix textures and radio so efficiently ?
Please give us some hints …


You… are… an… alien!
No comment.

BTW have you finally found a webspace to share your .blend files? Because, you know… I really would like to understand. It seems to me I won’t ever be able to achieve such a look to my pics.
Keep up the good work.

Great texturing, I like the first one of the building. It really looks like a sandcastle. I also love the one with the blue spheres. Great work.

Serialsiner:This is such a good work, a tut would be largely appreciated IMO.

Indeed, what would be great, and very suefull. :stuck_out_tongue:

not to mention usefull!

The chess pieces. Is that just Blender ?
Very nice use of color. While I have seen similar palettes used in sci-fi environments, in this setting it adds a very unordinary sense of depth.

nice job. I’d like to see these unpostprocessed, to see better what the radiosity did for the pics.

Great pictures, Endi! You have a great imagination and ability to create interesting things and scenes.


Wow Endi, these are great (esp. the building- gave me a rush looking at that)
thanks for sharing.

I agree. Simple subject, lovely execution. Reminds me of something from a dream I once had.

Hmmm, I like.
I think the building-thingys are my favorite, but it seems that the DOF is a little extreme.


thank you

yes, the dof created in photoshop :slight_smile:

I will show the original renders.

:frowning: I thought is was made in blender, using z-blur. But still great picture. 8)

I’d definitely like to see these renders prior to post. Not a huge deal, though. The building is great, but the chess pieces hold a special place in my heart.

Oooooohhhh preeettyyyy…

One thing that would likely be easy to add to blender would be the ability to add in post effects like film grain, gaussian blurs, filters of various kinds. I’m not sure how complicated the algorithms are because I’ve never researched it, but judging from how much work people do in post on their images, I can see there’s a demand to have them included into Blender…wouldn’t that be awesome?

Sorry…not trying to hi-jack. I really love these images and I went off on that tangent because I think it would set blender apart if it had a unique and effective way of adding in visual elements like blur, or color casts. I LOVE the chess pieces and the weird building is definitely great. Thanks for the inspiration!

Great pics endi… my faworitit is the first one… is realy cool


Boy fobos you made those fast! I’m glad someone took the idea and ran with it!

The age old lesson of “search before you speak” comes back to bite me again… Thanks for the link fobos.

really cool! I can’t say any more… :o :expressionless: :expressionless:

z-blur plugin doesn’t work in 2.28a. :frowning: