7 + 1 Sound System

I did this for a cancelled smc.

Took about 40 Mins.
Now that there’s no contest please critique if you have any complains.
The lightning is really bad, just one area light.

BTW, it should be 7+1 sound systm so i made a speaker looking like an “8”. Heh, that’s my humour…:confused:


Looks cool! Nice material on the red casing. You could try sub-surfing the Cord, and also turning down the Spec to make it look a bit better I think.

Keep it up.

Thanks for the reply.
Ill fix what you mentioned.

Not bad. Looks like it’s floating though. Are shadows enabled?

No, shadow arent enabled.
That was a pure mistake, i forgot to enable ray shadow.
Shadows are enabled in the next update, coming in a couple of minutes.

So here is the update.

BTW: I’m Sorry for making all these posts.
