8 bit was better... or: there where good things in the early 80´s too

Best project I´ve seen in quite some time.

Thumbs up for:
8bit chiptune
Yie ar KungFu (C64)
Wireframe 3D Cube from early Demoszene
QuickShot Pro Joystick
C64 Cartridges and their refusal to work because of dust

One of this days where a reminiscent mood crops up and it feels good to be old =)

The NES had good graphics and great gameplay for its time. You forgot to mention:

The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Blade Runner

Of course, I loved Tetris.

Well the once you listed aren´t in the video =)
Brilliant things nonetheless, besides StarWars Ep.4, it is 70’s :wink:

And mentioning Atari you got to mention the Sinclair ZX Spectrum ^^
And the Compact Disk was invented, well it got available for the endconsumer at least.
Back to the Future!
Rubic’s Cube.
Rick Astley! runsoff

I miss doing graphics for the C64, Amiga and the first 8086/286 IMBs.
I love the uprising on the smartphonemarket though, it brings back a medium where you go back to the roots but can use the different kind of taste you got now in opposite to the 80´s.

I remember doing graphics on the Apple IIe. A lot of fun back then.

At least you had, or at least could connect a mouse to do your awesome 560×192x16 graphics =)
On the C64 I had to code my awesome 12x24x3 sprites with the keyboard or lateron use an editor with the joystick.
Awww. DeluxePaint was king then on the Amiga…

It was in the school’s computer lab and it didn’t have a mouse so I had to plot the pixels in code as well.
I still remember the instructor, she kind of smelled funny.

Ah yes, the Timex Sinclair 1000 I think was the first computer I ever actually used, learned BASIC programming there. Someplace I still have a c64 and 150 floppys. I still also have my original Amiga 1000 purchased in 1986 with extra memory and a harddrive. Videoscape 3d on the Amiga was the first time I played with 3d graphics…


I hear about these things yet have never played with them. 'cept for the SNES.

The Yar’s Revenge hshwsh crash screen? I can’t remember what it really said but we referred to it as “hish wish.” Or lining up a robot’s laser to go through your neck in berserk…

My neighbor had this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ColecoVision

What sucked about the 80’s: It was nearly impossible to find toys of the cool characters, ie snake eyes, stormshadow, Ravage, Boba Fett- impossible.

Megaman, The Goonies movie, gratuitous nudity in many movies, that was pretty sweet, The 50 lb matchbox Voltron complete with toxic paint, taking all of recess to transform metroplex, Construx, pxl 2000 (always wanted one!), Arcades, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh9mPILeuOk&feature=related at the local pizza shop, and don’t forget copious amounts of cocaine! Well, not for me anyway, I was just a kid!

Almost forgot this sweet ass ride, which I got second hand! http://bmxmuseum.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=196346

Also, The D&D red box set with the smelly blue dice, awesome

Dude, I still have my red box set. Never even used it because none of my friends wanted to try it out.

Heh, I still have an old Amstrad 464 in my bedroom.

Dizzy ftw!


This makes me sad for a number of reasons.

  1. I’m not old enough to have experienced these things in their original form. Mega Man yes, but only after having played Mega Man 8. Back to the Future yes, but after everybody had forgotten about it except my mom…

  2. Things today are so… so… well you can’t geek out about them like old things! I sort of wish I was old! Sigh . Everything today is moving so fast no one really stops and takes the time to appreciate something and share it with those they really care about. It’s a struggle like heck to connect with people on a real geek-to-geek basis despite the Interwebs.

  3. There are some people even my age who like retro things and I can’t even really talk to these people :\

I hate it :\


Not to forget to mention the yesterdays internet :smiley:

You needed one of those kickass modems of the first hour:

And you could unleash yourself onto the good old BBBs :smiley:

@hackedmind: It is just that the 80s are over. They really where the time when our civilization got technized. After the 60´s post war generation and the 70`s love and peace generation in the 80´s we leaped ahead in technology and everything was new. And it wasn´t like there where many geeks back then. I was an outsider as child as well hacking assembler and soldering stuff into my C64.
But it was easier to follow as progress was made slower. Granted everything back then was completely new, but the pace it developed was rather slow. Looking back, with the knowledge I got today I could easily build a C64, or a Pentium 1 even 2 processor, no biggy, so many things that where alien back then are trivial nowadays.

Nowadays there are not many really new things coming, it´s more refining the existing, but at an incredible pace.
“Hey, you´ve seen Web 2.0?” “Wut!? I haven´t finished reading the Web 1.0 yet :(”

While in the 80´s you could focus on several new things and gain knowledge, today you need the same energy just to stay up to date on one topic. That´s also interfering with the geek2geek basis.
Back then you could talk computer as whole, nowadays you got to talk hardware and then in particular, graphics cards, the other one´s completely into obfuscated C code, the next one lives for algorithms while the other one knows nothing more exciting than usability and heurestic. And you can´t keep up with all topics.
Look at NinjaMoped the guys that made this kickass short from my initial post… I doubt I could seriously connect with them. Interests nowadays are just to diverse as the range is just too wide to pick from.

One of the sad things though is why we got such a technical advance in the 80´s
Simply becaues of the military. 99% of the technical achievements are thanks to the cold war and where made from appr. 1955-1975 and lateron passed down to the civilian population.

Yeah hackedmind, don’t feel bad- this pretty much explains it: http://tinyurl.com/25y3tttPlus, imagine the disappointment as a kid when you find a magazine with a cool game in it for the C64, but you have to program it from the magazine, and 3 hours later it doesn’t even work!

Also, we had to make movies with a huge VHS camcorder, that only one person you knew had so therefore they had to be in the movie too, and basically edit it in camera. These days you can make good looking movie with “common” gear and free editing software.

(Squint…) Who, exactly, are you calling “old?” :rolleyes:

(Squint… squint… squint…) Dammit… :ba: What’s that? Because I like to take my glasses off when I am reading anything closer than eight feet away. Because my glasses look better when perched on the end of my nose. Because I can still play Asteroids until it cycles back to level-1 again. Because. (Squint… squint… squint…) Dammit…

Because it will happen to you, too. “Just yew wait, 'enry 'iggins! Just yew wait!”

(And if you don’t know what I’m referring to … :RocknRoll: … aww, Just Google It.



I was taking about STAR WARS, the Strategic Defense Initiative.


Yeah but there are some people my age who do that lol. And it’s kind of cute when a girl does it. In fact, maybe it’s the lack of sleep, but I think that’s downright attractive.

(when a girl my age does it ._. )

But then I think about what it must be like to not be able to see.

And it is really really lame.

But then I think again and man I need some sleep.

conks out

I do think that the 80’s were “interesting times,” but today’s times are far more interesting.

Today, we actually have computing power that is powerful enough and cheap enough to enable us to do … well … Blender! We have a network that can distribute it throughout the planet.

But … hang on to your hats, folks, because twenty years from now people will be looking back strangely at these times. (And you will be perching your glasses on the end of your nose while trying to find my gravestone.) Time marches on, and technology never quits.

hey those 8 bit image of people playing, Is that the same codes that government use when they send you mail ?

Oh. No. You. Didn’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

Geez, reading this thread has brought back a lot of fond memories… Rubik’s Cube, Asteroids, Mega Man… and let me add this… or this, if you are so inclined (I don’t think the last one really counts, but I thought it was funny so I just threw it in there. :smiley: )