Question 1:
Under Eevee Render Setting, under Film, there is Alpha: Sky/Transparent.
What does it do ? Choose Transparent didn’t set the background as transparent so I am a little confused
Question 2:
Under Shadows, there is Cube Size and Cascade Size, I have decided to set them both to the same resolution as I am confused as to why there are two type of shadow resolution, will that make the shadows from all light types consistent ? Consistent is what I want.
Question 3:
Under the Indirect Lighting Tab, I set the Diffuse Bounces to 15 [Since it is a one time bake, I figure why not for fun and laughter]
In the Unity game engine, only object marked as static [non-moving] get affected by the pre-calculated GI.
Since there is no such labeling system in Eevee, after the baking is done, what object can still be moved and still look correct ?
or any object moved = have to re-bake every freaking time ?
Question 4:
Under the Indirect Lighting Tab, What is Cubemap Size ?
Is it ok to set it to 1024px ?
Question 5:
Under the Indirect Lighting Tab, What is Diffuse Occlusion Size and why is it only 32px ?
Question 6:
Area Lights previous set as Portal to “help” cycles should be removed when using Eevee since Eevee doesn’t support it and also it has the Irradiance Volume which kinda acts as a Portal right ?
Question 7:
When I click Render->Render Image, why does the image looks slightly different [slightly, very very slightly, especially the contact shadows…] than the one I saw in the viewport even though I have set the viewport AND render samples the same ?
Question 8:
Eevee is so beautiful…so fast ! It is going to makes a lot of indie film makers dream finally come true, but…what’s up with that hard shadow ? Even increasing the blur in the light property by selecting the light itself doesn’t really blur it out by much.
Attached are two files, one Blender 2.79 Cycles and one Blender 2.8 Alpha Eevee.
Hopefully there is someone here that can tweak the Eevee file so that it matches more like Cycles’s shadow as what presently is is just wrong.
By studying your new file, we will be able to learn and understand.
Link to file:!nq4TzTzS!RTl8WeF7EYx5_5ieCCS9RAttBXu_Nl-1Zhth5J-iICY
Eevee is definitely going places ;p