After experiment for while i have found out that the more texture details your engine reads your render look far more realistic. Recently i’ve tried to render one scene with 8k texture. I have combined the scene with 4k and 8k textures example i have added a 4k wood texture on my table because wood textures lines are much larger and when denoiser hits it does not mess your texture. On other hand with fabric texture where the texture is very tiny when you have a low sample.and resolution denoiser destroyes your fabric texture. Now recently i have started to use 8k texture.on my fabric because it retains more details.and gives you more realistic render?
This is what i have discovered recently, can someone confirm this if i am.correct.
Does 8k textures really retains more details on you render?
It depends on a number of factors, including the UV map, the proximity of the camera to the object, as well as the perception of detail vs. actual detail.
You would be better off with UDIMs if you want to retain more texture resolution.
If it is a single image, 8K will provide good results.
This is the same reason why we use high resolution cameras.
However, very high resolution is not required if repeating patterns are used (repeat in material setting)
Also, not all materials use 8K resolution.
This is related to the memory we can use, and high resolution images consume a lot of memory.
Can do one better with a video I did about a year or so ago on baking UDIMs, should give a general feel for what they are and how they work.
One of the key things about UDIM’s is that the final image map for each tile, doesn’t have to be the same resolution (even if it is on the same single model).
So for a character, the face alone is on one tile, while say the legs and feet are on another. You see the face all the time, while chances are not much of the legs and maybe not the feet at all. So the face tile can be 4K, while the legs are 2K or even 1K.
That way you maximize the details for the face, without having to use a single 8 or 16K image for the whole character.
Increasing texture resolution sounds well and dandy until the day comes - and it will - where you run out of memory.
Do you really need an 8k texture resolution for a table, assuming the table is just part of a larger scene and not product imagery?
Do you really need such a zoom in on the table that such large textures are necessary?
Can you get away with pulling the camera back and/or rendering at double the resolution (denoiser ruins less) and scaling it back in post with sharpening?
Now, I am using 8k textures myself in real projects (but usually 4k), but then I try to derive most wood (in this case) from a single texture file which is then used for lookup and procedural seamless blending etc. I’m rarely tied to a “specific wood look”. Not to mention, several very large textures can take a while to load, especially if you need persistent data to be turned off (I sometimes do).