900th POST!

My 900th post!
Time to get the champagne, just wait til I’m a 1000 post tyrant!
Ooops… a bit too much champagne.

You may visit the bathroom and take a shower once in a while, you know, take a break, there is no rush :wink:

Why would I want to do that?

Why would I want to do that?[/quote]

Er, just the idea of keeping the chair clean I guess… by the way, why do I get this feeling of great hostility toward Maya when I’m around you?

why do I get this feeling of great hostility toward Maya when I’m around you?

well if u looks REAL closely at the gun smiley, its ACTUALLY shooting little bottles of expensive wine at maya… you know, like how people christen beautiful new cruise ships by breaking a bottle of wine… so actually, hes secretly in love with maya and all of its affiliates… my theory anyhow, nothing is what it seems :slight_smile:

happy 900th!

Not that I care, but if you have 900 posts here, why are you not a Forum Guru yet. I really never understood the "rating " system here.

he is long past forum guru

because monkeys are better than gurus, it’s common sense. :stuck_out_tongue:


because monkeys are better than gurus, it’s common sense. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, monkeys are the superior species.

because monkeys are better than gurus, it’s common sense. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, monkeys are the superior species.[/quote]

Yeeaahh… after all humans came out of the apes as scientists say… :wink:
*(OOhh $h!t… I think I’ve done it… Let’s hope this doesn’t turn out to become another GOD/Evolution debate thread…)

Congrats valarking…
