A 20sec add for my school festival

Tried to make somekind of mtv spot “look like” for my school audio and visual art festival!
played with randomnes of shape keys :stuck_out_tongue: love to hear some feedback. (btw titles are greek but not the point)

Well, it’s an interesting sequence. One thing I’d suggest is that the timing needs to be smoothed-out just a little bit to make it coincide more with the key-points of the music … the moves ought to be choreographed, if you will, to the music. Another fine point is that, I think, at no point should we see a completely motionless frame.

(In fact, the motions need to scrupulously follow the apparent speed and direction of each swing that this object makes, giving us at least a subliminal sense of its weight and mass.)

These are things that could be addressed in the already-rendered video, just as it is, with some very careful editing … literally clipping out frames; fractions of a second.

It might feel like you are “polishing brass” when you do this. Takes more time than you think it should, makes you focus on “tiny” details a lot more than you maybe want to, but … oy! … how it shines when you’re through!