A better way to edit VRM models

So here is my workflow if nothing needs to be fixed:

  1. Make a model in Blender

  2. Export .fbx to Unity

  3. Edit bones hierarchy and apply textures

  4. Export as.vrm

  5. Import .vrm to Unity

  6. Shaders, colliders, blend shapes edition, chiki-puki

  7. Export the final .vrm

  8. Test it in VSeeFace

Since I don’t know Unity at all, logically if something’s not right (blendshapes or physics whatever) I gotta go back to Blender to edit it and repeat every single step.

  1. Is there a way to see how it will work with the camera in Unity itself?

  2. Is there a way to edit weight paint of the bones in Unity instead of going back to Blender?

  3. What’s the optimized workflow?

Thank you