Wanted to see if i would qualify for the Animation Mentor programme. What do you think?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ai-wzTG7cE[](http://<object width=)
i really do not know what is Animator Mentor, but i would say that your animation is fine, i dont know how much do you have to do to qualify, but i would say that you may pass…
It all seems a bit rushed, like it’s being played in 1.5x speed. Also, take a look at when he/she/it jumps onto the hanging i-beam; it looks like he/she/it curves in the air. Other than that, the animation look really clean. Animation wise, you have made a huge leap forward since your flying man animation!
And I really like your scene (layout, textures, lighting, etc.). I realize that textures and such aren’t a focus of Animation Mentor, but I think you did an excelent job on them.
It is very good, I like your animation! Scene is great, you did a good job on that. Only comment would be on movement, in some details it looks weird.
I think it looks great and I give you 4 stars for animation and originality! I loved the toe point at the in where he sort of struts off which completely makes the entire scene and gives him a bit of a personality. Maybe show a bit of personality at the beginning as well so that your character is more than just a character, he’s someone we feel familiar with or feel like we have something in common with. Maybe we can say, “Oh, I have a friend that would act just like that” or “this little guy is funny, I wonder what his name is”. People can’t help but to vote for stuff that they can relate to personally. Overall, Super cute and Super funny! Great job!!!
What cloud9nimbus describes is what happened to me. He quickly became a little friend with his own character. He is the kind of guy I would like to put in more situations to see what he does. Hope to get some more time with him.
maybe you would like the other charater to play with?
Click the link at my signature
Fine animation by the way…