A boring day of rain an blender

I got bored due to not being able to do anything outside so I decided to kill some time and decided to open up a new blender project and try and give some tomatoes a go. I still have to adjust some lighting, the material of the tomatoes need some imperfections here and there to make them more unique to one another, and trying to figure out the best method for the tomato slimy juice that comes out when you cut them. Right now it is just a glass and transparent shader on a metaball cluster, should I sculpt out the juice portion instead? I also need to model a backdrop but for the most part I figured I would have little background in the image so probably just a backsplash as if the cutting board was on a kitchen counter. But enough babbling this is where it is right now. This is the first renders.

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Not sure if you’re still working on this, but I would make the juice a lot flatter. Tomato juice is like water. It’s extremely fluid and thin (not that you don’t know that already). The liquid in your render looks more like jelly.

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Perhaps it’s me, but those tomatoes look much too shiny, almost like they are oily. Normally I expect a more diffuse reflective look.

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@Lucas_R Yeah I am thinking of just texture painting a watery stain type pattern in the uv of the cutting board. Or just get rid of the moisture of the cut tomato all together and just put whole ones on the board ready to get chopped.

@rjshae Yeah it was hard trying to get that exact portion of too diffused or too glossy as I am on a laptop and can’t have it running 1000+ samples so I am rendering with denoise and despite it being cool and all it does distort and cause unwanted issues with a render at lower samples.

I am running through both your suggestions and making some edits to it now and some additional tweaks. Thank you for your input on this rainy day project.

This is a more current version of the progress. Thanks again for the input so far.

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