a camera issue

hi this is my first time posting…I’m having a problem with the camera, i wanted to try and just make a first person camera angle, not necessarily a shooter, but the camera wont see objects. it doesn’t say that it’s the incorrect camera, and it’s the only camera in the only scene anyways. it can see the ground(or at least its silhouette because it’s only 2d) but if i say, put a cube in front of it, it wont pickup on it, but it also doesn’t glide through it…any help is appreciated, thank you.

Select the camera. In the Edit Panel (F9), change the clipping start to 0.

see this is something i REALLY dont understand, why the HELL wouldanyone make a 2d game in blender, for gods sakes its a 3d modeler, its called blender 3d for crying out loud, go to gm7 or something, it just doesnt make sense!

umm, no i had already checked the camera clipping and that doesn’t seem to be the problem.

and it would be for a 3d game…i think i must not have made myself very clear, i meant the platform that the object was on was only a 2 dimensional plane, so it was only seeing it’s silhouette(which is how i believe that works.)

see this is something i REALLY dont understand, why the HELL wouldanyone make a 2d game in blender, for gods sakes its a 3d modeler, its called blender 3d for crying out loud, go to gm7 or something, it just doesnt make sense!

Guess what, you can do what you want in blender because it gives a great chance to be creative. If you can do it in blender, why not do it in blender?

that’s a fantastic point as well

Even though blender is 3d software it still can create very good 2d games in the game engine. Someone made a very good side scroller monster truck game once.

I remember that one game… what was it… It was sort of like the old DKC games, like the cart ones where your in a cart. The game was very pro but I don’t think ever got finished. This was a few years back.

this is the one http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=98402&highlight=monster+truck
this was the final version he made http://www.savefile.com/download/1591425?PHPSESSID=7a4d698e88d7ff9d4cff8debb144b3d0
very good!

No it’s not… you play down in the mines. You remember DK country right? It’s just like those levels.

Well that’s the one I was talking about

I’ll see if I can find it. It’s really amazing.

Yeah, i tried to make a 2-d game in blender, its because its the only GE i know how to make games with, the only thing i had a problem with was keeping it on the x and y axis and not flying off the level.
and good luck with your game, Alyosha :smiley: hope you dont have the same problems i had with making 2d games in Blender XDD.

It seems that we’ve forgotten what the thread is about. Alyosha isn’t making a 2d game.
Getting back to the main point of the thread, have you fixed your problem yet?

umm, actually no i haven’t solved my problem yet. i think it might be related to parenting the camera…what i did was i made a cube with all of te logic to move around, and jump etc…and parented a camera to that. i beleive when it’s not parented to anything it works better…but i also haven’t been home to try to fix it for a few days.