A Couple of Questions

Hello there,

I’m fairly new to Blender, but I’ve got some of the basics down, and now I’ve got two simple questions.

How can I render using a background image? That is, how can I make the image show up in the rendering. I’ve seen that .avi movies can be rendered as well; how can I use this feature?

My second question is, how can I import one blender project into another blender project?

  1. http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual/Rendering#Output
  2. http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual/Rendering_Animations
  3. http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual/Library_and_Data_System#Appending

(you are negative one on your questions quota…so you will have to ask more questions).

Okay, I’ll try to re-state my questions.

First of all, I wanted to know how to render a backbuf image, but I just figured that out, thanks to one of the links you provided.

Basically what I’m wanting to know is how can I use a movie in place of a backbuf image and turn Blender into a sort of video editor. I saw that being done somewhere (adding lightsabers into a movie) and the article said that Blender would only recognize .avi formats.

The other thing I’m wanting to know is how to get objects from one Blender file into another Blender file. I’ve tried appending, but that doesn’t seem to be working.

absolutely as a video editor. There are two ways, see the wiki on using the Video Sequence Editor (it was built just be a video editor) or Composite nodes. See Splicing under Composite nodes to see how to splice video footage together using nodes.

You alphaover your animation on top of live video; see the alphaover node, or the alpha mix feature of VSE.