A couple of questions...

Ok, first thing, in editing buttons, Links and Materials panel, you can click “Delete” to remove all links between that material and the active object (the material indices). Is it possible to do this on multiple objects at the same time? (I just want to remove all materials from all the selected objects very quickly, and doing it one by one is really very tedious.) In short, a quick way to delete all material indices for the objects selected. That, or a way to make all the selected have the same set of material indices as the active object. (I looked at copy attributes, but couldn’t see anything which would help.)

The second question, is if I append any files which have a UV texture, with an image name the same as one already loaded in the scene, the image name is changed to name.tga.001, or similar. Is it possible for me to stop this happening, and make it assume they are the same image? Then I wouldn’t have to go back and change the image names every time. Also, is it possible to apply a UV image to multiple objects at the same time? (They’re already unwrapped, and just need an image to be assigned.)