A couple UV Questions

I have a couple questions on uv maps.

  1. What is an appropriate image size? Sometimes I want a lot of details, so I use a big image with maybe 5000 by 5000 pixels, then blender likes to get all slow, and crash on render.

  2. How can I make it seamless? I allready know how to do a regular semless texture, but with UV I have to make sure that every single seam doesn’t have a crappy line.

3 How can I put a bump on my texture if it is a UV?

  1. Unless you are going to need a very very detailed object then 5000^2 is way too much.
    If it is needed, then why dont you separate the different parts of the mesh into groups and UV map them separately with half the resolution.

Or I suppose the more expensive way is to get a better Pc / mac or to use a render farm. Or If you have a mac use the blender xgrid open today.

  1. Add the image when Uv mapping, in the texture part press Uv Coordinates instead of the default option. in texture mapping.
  1. It depends on the view size of your render. If you have a scene that you will be rendering at 800x600, and the scene you are rendering is only the side of a cube up close to fill the whole view, then you only need a 1024x1024 image, since a pixel is a pixel. If the cube only fills up half the scene, then a 512x512 texture for the side of the cube is fine.

  2. see the wiki on seamless textures; probably under image textures; in general you can use the Gimp (external editor, see www.gimp.org) function to make it seamless. Or, rotate your object to hide the seam from camera.

  3. Map the UV texture as the top texture channel, mapping input to the UV Texture, and To color. Create a second texture, Map it to Orco, and To “Nor”