a curious noobie

im a noob to blender:yes: and i enjoy looking at all the gallery’s to see some of the amazing stuff people create in blender. im just wondering why the www.blender.org gallery hasn’t been updated from feb 2007. i joined in April and it still hasn’t changed. does it usually take a while?:confused:

SOmetimes they have long jumps betweeen entries, depending on how many they have to sift thru(how many entries that is)

So just wait it out…Im hoping I made it in again…

it is because they need volunteer’s just like you :slight_smile:

hi im gay and u luk liek u r 2 lol cyber?

… I didn’t see that one coming…

VK is propablt just curious.

thanks guys

free-ality: i hope you make it in again too i really like your work.