a dog modeling atempt!

well i wanted to try to model an dog and googled for an dog image


well havent realy done much jet but i would like to get some helpin C&C so here is the image of the progress:


any C&C welcome with cratz! well thats how much id like to finish this :wink:

if you want i can upload the blend file.

Hey, that’s pretty good so far. Just add some detail for ears, eyes, toes, etc and you’ll have a great puppy model to account for. :smiley:

This is a great start. It’s starting to take shape already. I’m not going to give any crits this early in the game, though. But from what I can see, it’ll turn out fine.

Very nice! :smiley: Just some details. No Critz :stuck_out_tongue:


i don’t have a clue what to do with the ears :frowning: any sucestions?

just dive in, ears are never, never, easy. unless it’s a toon. also this dog seems to have slightly too much arch to his back, I am guessing he was in a strange pose when photographed, so I’d straighten him out a tad.