A Doggie Named Uranus

Well, I am quite a procrastinator. I had this little avitar for a long time, but I didn’t put the full sized picture up on the internet until just now.

www.geocities.com/cheesesquid/dog_01.jpg (copy and paste)
www.geocities.com/cheesesquid and click on the little doggie icon.

One day I wanted to just quickly convert one of my sketches into a higher quality image, so I skanned it in and traced the outlines with Paint Shop Pro’s bezier curves tool.

I think I’ll call him Uranus, because Micky Mouse’s dog’s name is Pluto.
What Can I say about a dog named Uranus?

No matter how hard I pull, I cannot take the stick from Uranus.
Eww… Uranus is drooling all over the carpet!
I couldn’t sleep because Uranus was making too much noise last night.
I want to pet Uranus.

Oh well.

Do you hafta name him uranus? why not saturn, or mercury, or somethin? just sounds… wierd- cool drawing though

His name isn’t really Uranus. It just goes with a bunch of stupid (distasteful) sayings I once came up with. I don’t know what his name is really going to be.

That’s a cool illustration. It’s got excellent qualities.

you could call him AJ!