Hello I got some questions that has to do with the game engine.
How do you make letters appear one by one in a message, like in most modern games?
Is there a script that makes it possible to play mp3 songs in blender instead of waw?
What nice gameplay tips have you got? Like for example I have find out how to make a rock follow a path and when it touches the player he dies. But are there any other nice gameplay tecniques to know?
How would you make the camera not go through the objects it enconters?
Is it possible to setup controls for a x box 360 controller? So you use the controller instead of the keyboard?
2- Pygame has better sound libraries, support for mp3 and ogg etc. It requires scripting though
3- too many to list. my top one is use a diamond shape instead of a cube for collisions of dynamic players. This gives better collision and prevents falling thorugh the floor (use convex hull aswell)
4- There are numerous scripts but from a most basic level you only need to make the camera dynamig. This however present’s it’s own problems
5- It is and a nice example can be seen in the Yo! Frankie controls
2- Pygame has better sound libraries, support for mp3 and ogg etc. It requires scripting though
What is Pygame and where can i get it.
3- too many to list. my top one is use a diamond shape instead of a cube for collisions of dynamic players. This gives better collision and prevents falling thorugh the floor (use convex hull aswell)
I make the character mesh and armature have no collision. Then put a invincible cylinder around the character, it works great.
4- There are numerous scripts but from a most basic level you only need to make the camera dynamig. This however present’s it’s own problems
Have you got any links to the scripts you are talking about?
5- It is and a nice example can be seen in the Yo! Frankie controls
Ok, maybe we should use waw’s…even though it will add 150 MB on a game that is 25 MB >_> Yeah and CD, you are good at python and logic right. Could you take a look at the blend below. I tried to make the camera have collision detection. And it worked somewhat, but I want the camera to be behind the character. Like in Spyro the dragon, the same angle as well…look on the video to see what angle I want it to be.
I just imported the character into a example blend file. And unparented the empty and parented it to my character instead. So please help me get the right angle as in the video Thanks…
For your problem I would use guide objects that affect what the camera does, if one of the guide objects goes behind a wall you’d have the camera switch to following another guide object.
even though it will add 150 MB on a game that is 25 MB
I use the free version of Switch sound file converter to convert .wav’s to uncompressed files at 6000-8000Hz, from my experience it really can shrink down the files and yet they play in Blender.
For your problem I would use guide objects that affect what the camera does, if one of the guide objects goes behind a wall you’d have the camera switch to following another guide object.
The only thing I can do when it comes to logic, is to set up properties so when you touch something adds 1+ on a property. So something else happens, and set up controls for the character. When it comes to python I can only copy and paste, and activate the script. So the stuff you just explained to me, is nothing I’m able to do…
I use the free version of Switch sound file converter to convert .wav’s to uncompressed files at 6000-8000Hz, from my experience it really can shrink down the files and yet they play in Blender.
really, I will check that out
Btw if someone could take a look at the blend, and make the camera appear behind the character. In the angle shown in the video, I would be grateful. :rolleyes: