hi…a few yafray questions:
1.what would be the best setting for a nice glass material?
2.does yafray handle different materials applied to a single mesh?if yes then what is the procedure?
3.can the amount of transparency,reflectivity or specularity etc. can be changed in yafray exporter’s material settings?if yes then how?
4.how to add a shadow-mapped light in between a few raytraced ones in yafray?
thanx…that’s all i remember for now! %|
I think all you above questions can be answered at the Yafray site -> www.yafray.org in the forum there.
Hexa-dB has done a nice tute and has some downloadable materials that can be imported into Yable for use. One of them is a very nice glass material.
- The shader <attribute>s:
<color r="0.05" g="0.05" b="0.05" />
<specular r="1.0" g="1.0" b="1.0" />
<reflected r="0.1" g="0.1" b="0.1" />
<transmited r="0.9" g="0.9" b="0.9" />
<hard value = "35.0"/>
<IOR value = "1.54"/>
<min_refle value = "0.05"/>
And for the mesh <attribute>s:
<caus_tcolor r = "1.0" g = "1.0" b = "1.0"/>
<caus_rcolor r = "1.0" g = "1.0" b = "1.0"/>
Not sure, but I think you must asign each face a shader_name attribute
cough try Bagisas (see my sig) cough