Hey :D.
Ive just started a RPG game and I have a few questions. Here is the file.
Firstly I want to change the walking script so it doesnt slide so much.
There is a dagger on the table in the house, I made it disapper when you get near it , but obviously I want to be able to wield it.
Thanks for any help.
Cheers :D.
I liked that demo alot
For reducing the sliding done, put a material on the ground and click “DYN” (bottom left in the material tab). Then set the friction levels to something higher, like 5. Also note that adding a new material will cause the object to reflect lights, so just change the “Spec” (under shaders in the material tab) to 0, and it should look the same as it did before adding a material.
For being able to wield the weapon, create a duplicate of the weapon and place it infront of your camera (or in a new scene so it won’t go through objects, (don’t forget to overlay it)), then put a bool property on it.
Set it up so when the bool is “True”, the object is visible, and when it’s “False”, the object is invisible. Then leave it on False, and set up the logic bricks to make the property “True” when you go near the weapon.
I got that sliding problem fixed. Sorry I may need a bit more information than that for the dagger. I still havent got that advaced at propertys.
im not that good at this stuff but…
put in the dagger infront of the camera where you would see it if you are weilding it
then make it invisable
then set up logic bricks so that when you get close to it the dagger on the table disapears and the one by the camera apears, so it looks like he picked it up
(iv never done it before tho so im not sure how to make it invisabe or any other settings you would need, have facemania explain anything i left out)
hope that helps:ba:
Yeah I tried that but when I went outside there isnt a knife and when I went back inside the knife was back on the table.
I want to be able to attack with it and it to do damage so if it was an overlay would it still do damage?
thanks :rolleyes: haha
As usual, I like to post my solutions with a .blend file, as I feel that studying the files, will give you knowledge and a easy to access reference. http://www.fileden.com/files/17915/RPG.blend So, along with having the overlay scene with the sword added accordingly, I put in simple attack animation (left mouse) for you (although you don’t need to use it in your game, or even give credit if you do).
If you want the knife to stay invisible when you go back into the room, there is several solutions…
- Create a new scene without the knife, and make it so when you go back into the door with the knife, it goes to that new scene. (increases blend size)
- If you know python, I’m sure there would be a way!
- Once the sword is made visible, you could always have the overlay scene send a message for whenever you go into that scene (with the sword on the table), to make the sword invisble. (imo, the best solution).
For attacking with it in the overlay scene, you could use a invisible box in the main scene, for when you attack, and have it timed so when you press the attack key, it has a collision between a small interval, and anything that is touching the box within that interval is considered “hit” and takes damage.
It takes some creative thinking to get this to work, good luck!
I tryed overlay and that works well.
I have a few swinging actions so I want it to do like a combo.
So it goes slash down then slash to the left then to the right.
How would make it do one after the other each time I click? Here is the file, the scene with the knife is called “Dagger”.
I find that kind of setup hard to explain (and I just woke up ;)), so here is another blend file on how to do it…feels kinda glitchy though.
Actually I did 2 ways, one is showing your combo way, and another is showing them in a random way.
Combo http://www.fileden.com/files/17915/RPG_dag.blend
Random http://www.fileden.com/files/17915/RPG_dag_random.blend
Good luck
Are you making a LotR game? I recogniced the knife XD
To answer your question James no its not a LotR game its more of a game like the elder scrolls series if you have ever heard of them.
For the attacking I chose to go with the random and I just use the slash down and slash to the left.
Ive got a bit of an update here. What ive done is that to open a door or pick up an object you press space bar, also a little symbol comes up when you get near enough to interact. So here is the file.
Brilliant! I love the “Elder Scrolls” series, Morrowind was and still is legend:yes: So what are you planning on having in the game? A trade system? Riding? Just curious XD
Im pretty sure im going to have a trade system, but Im not sure how I would do the money. I would like to make so you can ride some sort of mount. The thing Im starting to focus on now is an inventory but im probablly going to need a bit of help for that. Ive just made the crate in the bedroom openable but Ive got a bit of a problem once youve opened it. I will post the file latter.
Cheers :D.
A’ight, sounds a’ight… Keep it up XD
Ok so here is the file. So if you go over to the crate and open it with space bar a little menu will pop up. so if you move the mouse over to the bottom right a little button will apper click that and move away from the crate and then back towards it. It will open automaticaly which I dont want to happen how do I fix it?
Cheers :D.
Has any one checked the file out yet?