A Generic Racing Mustang

This is the final render of a project I was working on for about 2 weeks or so. And I mean final (So yes, there are no mirrors or door handles). This project was mostly a test for myself to combine simulating (the smoke), compositing, and modeling. I’m rather happy with the way it turned out. If you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear them. However, this IS the final render, I won’t be changing anything now, but I’ll try to use your suggestions for my next project

Also, this was done ENTIRELY in blender internal. Beside browsing for the background and reference photos, everything else was done by compositing and rendering in blender. Not even the blurs where done post process.

I think the modeling looks really good. The compositing, on the other hand, could be improved, in my opinion. Particularly the blurred background. The bright part in the center is catching too much attention, and the blur doesn’t look like depth of field-out of focus…

Very good modeling… but I have to be completely honest when I say that the composition is very bad :/. The DOF is distracting, the glare is distracting, the dust looks static compared to the dynamic model, and the car looks completely out of place. My advice: Remove the entire environment, set up a studio lighting set up and render with Lux, Yafray or Octane. Work on accentuating your modeling first, then move on to adding an environment. Draw attention to the detailing of the vehicle, such as the grill, a slight texture to the paint, and side mirrors. Also, work on the glass, it reminds me of a toy car plastic windshield. On a final note, the edges on that car seem a bit too linear, and detract from the realism. You might want to smooth the entire model out some. Great model, with some work could be even better. Bad compositing, focus on the model more. All around this is a very promising start :).