A good way to switch between gizmos and no gizmo?

I basically use 85% of the time the G,R,S but then sometimes there are situation where the gizmos are better so been thinking that I need to come up with something to change those gizmos and disable then when no needed :thinking:

Has anyone found a good way to switch between the move, scale and rotate gizmos?

You can toggle gizmo visibility with the button in the header next to viewport overlays. You can also right click on it and assign it to the quick favorites menu, accessible through Q

I have this already kind of so I press W to hide transform gizmo and double W to show it and that kind of works a lot of the time but sometimes I want to have scale or rotate gizmo I guess from the old habit so just wonder if there was a pie menu or something I could swap between those

Something like this?

You can achieve this with very few python lines and very easy python scripts.

Yes! How did you get it? is that in Blender by default?

No, just some python lines I wrote to show you a potential solution. In this case I also used Serpens because is so easy and fast for creating menu and UI.
If you want I can share this little script BUT you need to know:
I am not a professional programmer, I am just a programming hobbyist. So far I have written add-ons and apps only for my own use and needs.
That said I doubt that something I wrote could make exploding any Pc but you have to deal that you use it at your own risk :grimacing:
Maybe I can share the code with some coders here on BA to get some check for potential issues.
Let me know if you are interested.