A huge THANKS to every Blender Developer. <3

I’ve been working with Version 4.2 for a few weeks, since its release now and I really gotta say: Thanks to everybody involved in this release. Despite a few hiccups this is such a fantasic new version and vast improvement.
I just wanted to let everybody involved in this know how much it is appreciated that Blender exists and all the hard work and dedication flowing into it.

Yeah, I am occasionally giving it a hard time for still missing things but Blender has become my favorite 3D application. Personal and professional.

I am so thankful that it exists and that the developers are still so dedicated.
And I think this has to be said from time to time.

Thank you all!
You are breathtaking! :orange_heart:


This is a great initiative. I think it’s absolutely incredible what they’ve accomplished to say the least. I think Blender has advanced faster than any other system and it is my very favourite software by far.

It’s the case of when people are unhappy they speak up right away but there’s tens of thousands of happy users that just quietly work and create great stuff.

Huge thanks to everyone that made it possible!