A.I. go thoughts

Since a while had time to tamper with blender, and was inspired by recent A.I. showdown AlphaGO vs Lee Sedol, and AI’s finally conquering this ancient game.
So here’s my visualization trying to show borderline between AI and real world interaction :slight_smile:

Made with Blender, wood texture from textures.com, number/circuit textures with inkscape/GIMP.

While I consider this particular image finished, I’d be delighted to hear some comment and suggestion about the general technique on the visual effect/atmosphere, and how to improve it on similar images :slight_smile:


I really like the idea, visualizing the “thoughts” of a computer, an A.I. at work, so to say.
Unfortunately, this idea which such great potential seems to be thrown out the window to me.
All the “real” things, the boards and the gaming pieces are really solid, very well!
But the “virtual” things are so completely random and do not relate to the game at all! The two elements here are circuit connections and Matrix style numbers. Circuit connections do not tell anything about what is going in an A.I.'s mind and are not even software. The matrix numbers are really worn out and also do not tell anything, just like in the movie.

There are many ways to express the “thoughts” of an A.I., some are very complicated, but some are very simple, like showing the possible moves as demonstrated here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBZ7kEphv3s&feature=youtu.be&t=6m51s
A very simple concept which can be greatly elaborated on, I think. Of course, to show something meaningful would mean to spend much more thought into what is to be shown instead of some random circuit connections and matrix numbers. But if pulled off with even remotely useful moves, it gives the whole scene so much more meaning!

I hope I did not sound harsh, but I really think that you threw away a really interesting idea, and that you could have done much better in this regard.

All the best! :slight_smile:

I totally agree with Estajxo.

I’m a lot into AI and robots (deep learning and that kind of stuff), and I like to try to imagine how it works, how it could works, …
Representations are interesting (in movies, etc …), but it make me kinda sad when peoples just throw a bunch of code/numbers (or worse, circuits :wink: ).

Well, I’m not blaming you of course. You created a (great) picture, showing your vision of an AI. But it’s pretty basic and confusing. In my opinion, your picture should make us think about AI. Here it is just illustrative.

However, your rendering is pretty good. At first, I thought it was a bit “grey”, lacking contrast, or something that draw attention. But now I think that the lack of subject and the tone of your image goes well with your subject. It’s dehumanized in a way.
It’s interesting that the “symbols” representing the thoughts of the AI go down and spread all over the board. It’s like the AI was invading the real world.

So, in my opinion, you achieved it !

Hi, Estajxo, Lemente and thanks for the comments. I don’t find them harsh at all, rather it’s just the kind of critique I was hoping for. It’s nice that you’ve actually thought through my image and took the effort to write down your opinions :slight_smile:

Looking the picture with these in mind, I pretty much agree with both of you on most points.

The randomness of numbers and circuitry was my attempt to get the feeling that whole board is engulfed by the A.I’s “conciousness”.

The circuitry on the stones and board was kind of my idea of them existing both in physical world, and as a construct in it’s(his/her?) mind. While I agree that cricuits as such don’t have much to do with A.I. directly I kind of feel they are symbol for mechanical/artificial things :slight_smile:

However it’s true that while tampering with those I actually seem to have forgotten completely to add a focuspoint here, and it’s true that the actual thoughts are not there, just the environment. (+ the matrix effect doesn’t really relay the neural-network thing, which should be present here)

Now when I think about it, some kind of light hint for the heat-map of possible moves might do quite a lot for this. And suitable focus point might be a just decided move to make with some virtual representation… hmm maybe I do have to visit this idea again afterall, and make bit more thoughtful version of it. I’d wish I’d just find somewhere a heatmaps for ALphaGo’s thought pattern for specific board setting, so I wouldn’t need to guess myself which moves might be goods (and awake the wrath of anyone who actually knows how to play go):slight_smile:

Hei Cymoth,

that would be really great if you could reenact a scene from that actual game that gave you the inspiration. This way you would document some piece of actual game history besides creating an artwork, I like that idea! :slight_smile:
Question is if you could get not only the drawn moves but also the possible alternatives. I could imagine that they are somewhere available, just have to write to the right person of the organizers of this showdown. :wink:

Anyway, I would be happy to see such an endeavour!

There ist a picture in their paper, and btw. AlphaGo just beat different world top players 60 : 0 in quick online games for a beta test.

One thing that I like about this is the way the circuits on the board look real, even though they’re supposed to be in the AI’s mind. It seems like it would be cool if you could emphasize this more by raising them up a little and adding a shadow.