A kitchen stuff renders

Hi, here is a rendering (lighting, shading ect.) project I’ve done in Blender Cycles and also in Octane Render. 3d scene (models, textures) is a free one from Scenected website: https://www.scenected.com/catalogue/free-sample
Hdri which was used for lighting is from HDRlabs http://www.hdrlabs.com/sibl/archive.html

Here is the link to the Blender Scene and Octane Standalone ORBX file:

Renders are small (949x712px) but you can render bigger ones yourself. I’ve also uploaded raw exr renders and corrected (some photoshop camera raw adjustments) png files.

Have fun!


And few more renders:


They are great renders! You could say they are real photographs instead 3d stuff. Just one question, are they made with Cycles or with Octane render?

Very convincing renders indeed. I think the bread in the first image is the only thing that is slightly less then photo-real and the use of the same texture is obvious in the render from above.
Absolutely great detail with the crumbs etc. I’d also be interested to learn more about your process and tools.

Wow, it`s looks real! How the Octane compare to Cycles?

Thanks guys. I as I said before the models are not mine, I just fixed some UW issues and minor stuff.

The renders above are Cycles renders only.
Below are some Octane renders:


Thanks! Cycles render at the Power!!! :wink: It is pure perfection. So glad and inspiring to see these results.