A knight

Well, i guess there is not much to say, it is a picture of a knight :wink:


It’s a good picture of a knight ;).

You should put his helmet on and put him in an awesome pose. It looks great right now, but the face is not quite up to par with the body I think. So putting on the helmet at least would make it even better I think! Love it.

I personally like the pose with helm in arm. Great image all in all!

Pose is great, but I agree with Slick. Face looks like a clay or wood model. On the other hand, it looks like we’re just seeing it that way because of the relatively small resolution of the attachments?

Thank you for the comments. Yeah I am not really happy with the face either, but i just kind of wanted to get it done.

This is great! I think that the biggest problem with the face is that it looks a bit to small for the helmet, but maybe that is the way it should be, however I must say that at first glance you don’t notice the problems with the face, so good job!

This is a knight alright. Very very nice !!!
I agree about the face, it needs some more work. But the expression is great.

SWEEEEET! pity about the face… this could have made it to the gallery easy

wow amazingly realistic looking. I dont think the face is that bad.

Congrats on making the Gallery!

Very well modelled, Its fantastic.
One question i have. How you designed chains matrix on his hand ?
I always want to model one such night but I cannot figure out how to model chain matrix as like your model. Any suggestion?:confused:

The chains are probably a texture… unless you made a particle system with even spead that emits a single chain object… that would be hectic :stuck_out_tongue:

i was hoping my ‘pity about the heae, this could make it to the gallery’ would tempt you into working on it again, but i guess you made the gallery anyways. congrats! a blured background would be nice

Well done. Armor is normal mapped or real geometry? because it look so 3d (normal maps tend to look bit flat)

Very nice & actually realistic rendition of a knight!

I love it! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the comments. As some people were pointing out, the chain mail is just a texture + normal map + bump map … so nothing fancy here.

I tried sculpting and using a displacement map but i wasn’t happy with the results, because it didn’t look that good and the extra geometry slowed down the rendering.

Hi ,

Thanx a lot for revealing that the chain matrix was a miracle of normal map. I thought previously that you need to model it.

almost there… the expression is… well…

really nice picture

Congrat !! Good job !
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