A knight

Really nice !

Face looks burned and healed… but you could hit the ‘uncanny valley’ soon. Impressive, more!

really nice! love all the modeling!

Very good :slight_smile:

Excellent!! I really like the pose.

Noice! Now go make Joan. :wink:

I like the materials and pose!

Yeah texturing is quite impressive. The only thing weird are hands.

very beautiful

nice work pose is realy good i realy like this pose but u have to work lil best on face its not looking great

nice expression …

It’s a great picture. It looks realistic to me.

nice looking
but the face isn’t really handsome
I think this warrior should be with his helmet , that would be more interesting

IMO - despite it’s realism - it is in no real danger of falling in the uncanny valley. Great job, really.

Not bad. But there is no shining metal and the face may be more hairy.

Great picture!

That´s great!

This looks great!

I quite like his face. Weathered, imperfect, human.

The chain mesh really adds a lot to the image. Nice work you did on the cloth materials.
