A knot

A knot. Created with knot3D, blender, yable, yafray.


click on thumbnail to see larger.



knot3D is a program by Steve Abbott to create Celtic knots and they can be saved in dxf so can be imported into Blender. I believe in the past I put up a couple of knots that I made and then created a scene in Blender. I’ll put up a link later when I find it.

Well I found the link to the site of knots3D

oh, cool stuff jim !!

very nice render too :slight_smile:

Nice render.

Thanks for the link too.


Cool, and thanx for the link :slight_smile:


Is knot!!!

hehe :wink:

Good work, it reminds me of the intricate knot tying that the koreans do for wall decorations and such. Some of them are quite huge and intricate with different colourd strings, very nice stuff. If anyone could duplicate that in CG i would be mighty impressed… :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

Thats Great, i was gonna do some Celtic Knots in 3D a while back but never got around to it, now i can be really lazy,

                           thanks for the link.

Thanks for the comments everyone. You welcome for the link, its fun to share. By the way if you like knots check out the other knot program in Blender chat https://blenderartists.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13476
I’m still testing that one and it’s more complex but is very interesting.

Bapsis - I know exactly what you mean about intricate knot tying. I had a book on chinese knot tying which was very wild ( It was becoming a lost art form thus the author wrote a book so the information wouldn’t be lost forever. If I can find the book I’ll try some of those knots.


I might recommend “The ashley book of knots” or something like that, Ashley is the author anyway, still in print, more complete work on knots AFAIK, something above 5000 knots :wink:



You got me going :smiley: ! Very nice.



Knot Plot really is the Business, thats fantastic, thanks for the link,

I feel a HDR Light Blender picture coming on.