A Little Advice

Next year I am planning on creating a club that is essentally an amiture 3D art studio at my school. I was wondering if anyone here had tried this or had any good suggestions.

Be really, really talented at it, or have someone else who is really talented there with you. If you can’t do anything you find exceptional, then it will be hard for potential “students” to feel like they are learning from a good teacher.

Good addvise, looks like I am going to have to spend my whole summer working with Blender, not that I have anything better to do or was planning anything different. This is the only life I have.

This is the only life I have.

Get a job, meet more people. Learn other new stuff, don’t limit yourself.

I could get a Job, but there arn’t that many people for me to meet. I live in a really small town. Any recmoended courses of study that I don’t need to be taught, but can easly teach myself, I am a HUGE nerd.

Anyway this is off topic any suggestions for my club?

Draw. Small towns = lots of awesome stuff to draw.

It can only make you a better artist overall… In case you happen to go outside once in a while (like when you reboot or something… any time you’re not Blendering :P)

Any more advise on starting a club for Blender users? please

free beer will bring more members.

true. so true. :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry this is going to be asssociated with my H.S. They don’t approve of giving away free beer to members of clubs


umm perhaps for your clubs first tutorials you guys make a model and port into a popular video game title?

this might bring in some gamers, and fans of what ever game you pick.

I dont really know, I never really made a club before, please excuse my above sarcasm about the free beer thing.