Hi, I haven’t post my work here for a very long time.
if you search my previous posts you could see how horrible I was.
I have learned a lot through the years.
here I’m showing you the project I’m currently working on for the last 4 days.
I still don’t like the eyelashes and her front fringe is a bit weird.
I wonder if anyone can recommend a better way to do the eyelashes than hair particles?
I’ll post the screen cap of the process in the comments section.
then bake normal map and apply to the materials.
I don’t know what I’ve done wrong but I can’t bake normals in Cycles, have to go back to BI just to bake.
Working on skin shader. At first I tried to avoid image texture and use only vertex color,
because I’m too lazy to unwrap uv. but the result is not good enough, so I have to do the uv and image paint anyway.
I use the vertex color for specular map, though.
now the hair.
from my experiences, letting blender shoot some random hair
and trying to comb them into shape is a nightmare.
instead, I use particle with only 1 hair, then in particle mode I deleted that one hair
and start adding hair manually one by one.
this way I can control the spacing between each hair, and the result is much better.
I did the same with the eyelashes, adding hair one by one.
but it doesn’t look natural as you can see in the first image at the top, I’m welcoming suggestions.
rigging is done via PichiPoy’s rigify.
I love this rig, as it allows facial control. I barely have to do anything to get her show expressions.
That is quite impressive. I don’t know why but the skin modifier is never something I think to use, but always works so well. I am curious is you could go into more detail about the retopo
this looksgreat!!
its just my thought that the chin is pushed back more than normal… like i don’t know if its possible but i’d like to see what happens when the chin is pushod forward a bit more.
Looks very good. I like your hair technique. You may think her bangs (fringes) look odd, but she is a young girl, and young girls are not as sophisticated as their older sisters when it comes to things like hair styling. I think it adds to her cuteness.
Are the eyelashes a separate particle system? If so, you might try making the strands wider at the base, and add a bit of clumping. Might want to make them longer than natural, too, since the tips might be too thin to show up in the rendered image.
The expressions are great, too. I may have to give that rig a try.
I don’t have time to work on her right now,
but from posing her, I notice I made wrong bone placement, and she bends in a weird way.
so I have to re-rig her, but then … maybe it’s good chance to make some adjustment to the meshes.
If you make her really smile the creases from the corner of her mouth are going to make a circle under her nose. (this could be what you want though as I really like the style and look of her mouth, try deforming it into a smile though and see what happens)
If you raise her eyebrows her forehead isn’t going to crease at all. (it will but it’s going to be strange)
You are very good at art though and you’ve captured winning proportions though…
Boy Oh boy I have been struggling with trying to figure out how to get the skin modifier to give me a half decent human base and you seemed to have figure it out. Nice character.