I delete the one vertex and loop it and extrude it downwards. The vertices then seem to have a field around some of them and will not move to the new location.
I can pull the side v’s out, but the very front one that should be in the exact center isnt. And when I try to grab it and drag it to the center it won’t go! Arggggg.
It will go in towards the center of the neck, kind of. Also the v’s at the back side do something similar.
I dont really care about the back, here anyway, but the front one needs to be pulled to the center, and is at the center where it was extruded from.
I don’t really have any idea what you’re describing, but it might have to do with clipping, which forces central verts to stay lined up along the mirrored line, and/or it might have to do with where you’ve got your pivot point set to, which determines how things scale and translate. I can’t understand the problem well enough to advise you further than that, though. Maybe post a screenshot or a blend?
Thank you, didnt think I would get any replies till tom sometime. I have clipping on. And thats why it is so odd.
Hmmm is there someplace to post the .blend here? Or do I post a link to it?
I only came back tonight to delete my request, but dont see a delete button. I figured it out.
I went to wireframe to look at it. Thinking perhaps there wasnt a vertex there, but there was. So then I thought perhaps there wasnt a face or something so I highlighted and pressed F. But there was a face too.
Soooooo, since the face was highlighted I just grabbed it and drug it to the center. And it worked.
I dont know why, and I wish I did. I should have been able to move just the vertex to the line/center.
Happy to post the .blend so you may look at it though. I like your pic, its so grumpy looking it makes me laugh when ever I see it.
Well, I looked at it and it actually seeemed to me that that should be getting clipped, so I’m not totally sure why it’s not. You’ll see that if you raise the merge limit, it will be clipped, and also if you simply extrude again that part will be clipped. So this isn’t really a big problem anyway. When you apply the mirror modifier later, this split area will disappear, so you can probably just ignore it. Raising the merge limit could have unwanted consequences elsewhere.
If you turn off subsurf viewing in edit mode, or if you set the subsurf modifier to view the real edit cage (toggle the little circle next to the subsurf modifier) you’ll get a better idea of the actual geometry of the model. How you work is a matter of preference, but sometime’s it’s good to be able to see where the verts really are.
The back of the neck and the mouth need some attention. Both places have edges that were probably accidentally extruded and need to be deleted. Pull the verts around a bit to see where you’ve got extra unwanted faces and delete them. Otherwise I think it’s going fine.
Thanks again, for your help. I have found the extra face at the back neck and deleted it. I have also done a lot of work on the face, etc so it looks more human. I needed to add my verts to do it.
The head is now much better shaped too! LOL I just wanted to get through the tut to see how to use blender, not caring how the thing looked in the end.
But this AM when I looked at it, I just had to fix it. I moved the eyes closer together too. I was about to start on some ears, but it doesnt need them and Im not really sure how to add them to the head mesh.