A little help

Ehhhh, i kinda dropped off of this for a while but i’m startin a new project. Just workin on a small game, nothin big. Its a skateboarding game and i’ve been workin with a halfpipe but i don’t under stand how to make my character “stick” to it. I don’t know how to make him rotate with the transition, any ideas?

you have to use materials…
dmn sorry i cant tell you now howto use them, i have to sleep…
but take a little look around (search) and im shure youl find some, it was been broot up many times…

Mmhh I also tried to put my car in my cartest game upside down, but when you enable some material options, it turns back when it falls upside down and collides the ground.

I think you have to use a script that makes a gravity point in a halfpipe, to let your character move nicely in it. :-?

Use materials, then turn on the RotFh setting in the skateboarders actor settings.

Keith. 8)

Keith: k, now what? i’ve done that and i’ve tried fooling with the other settings as well but i don’t see how it works :frowning:

You’re trying to make the skateboarder rotate as he goes up the slope so that the skateboard is always level with the part of the slope that he’s on right?


  1. Add a material to the slope, turn on the Fh spring force in the materials buttons, and set values for the Fh spring force and Fh Dist (the distance above the slope that the Fh spring force acts in).

  2. Select the skateboarder and go into the game buttons. Select ‘Actor’ and ‘Dynamic’. Turn on RotFh to make the skateboarder rotate on an inclined plane.

The skateboarder will now rotate so that the skateboard is always parallel to the part of the slope that he’s on. One of the tutorial games ‘girl skater’ is a skateing game. You can take a look at that to see how its done.

Keith. 8)