A Long Way to Go

Inspired by our own personal journeys and how they seem to be getting closer, yet farther at the same time.

I’d love to hear your thoughts. :slight_smile:

More info at http://bit.ly/1y4usro

  • Reyn

Magnificent work, Reynante! There are many things to look at here, but of course our eye is drawn straight to the subject. With the little rope on his shell, I immediately feel like this snail has been on quite a journey already. The modeling and materials are very realistic, but there is still a feeling of fantasy/story with the snail which adds another layer to the image.

The shadow on the grass in the back of the frame, did you add this just as a way to break up the grass and make it look more interesting, or is it also a story element? It certainly fits in place, acting as a new unknown encounter on this journey, and the snail seems to be looking towards it as well.

Great work again, Reyn! You create so many excellent images, and in so many styles as well!

Reyn, you know I’m a sucker for nature:) Great work man! I give you two thoughts I do have looking at this scene. First the snail its self could be a bit shinier since of course he is a snail and snails are slimy:) The other is that the scale seems a it off when comparing the snail to the grass and dead leaves. Now of course it is at your artistic choice since the snail is the focal point. In reality the snail should probably be half the size but again I’m not an expert on snails and there could very well be some big snails out there in the world.

Again just some positive feedback though. The lighting and DOF is great as well. Keep it up man I always enjoy your stuff:)

Very nice as always! I’m curious, did you use Andrew Price’s Grass Essentials pack?

Thanks so much for taking the time to ponder on the story, James, I really appreciate it; I can finally draw a smile on my face now knowing someone like you took an effort to actually see beyond it and not only look at it.

The shadow was added both as a visual composition element as well as add more depth to the story, which you guessed right. :slight_smile:

  • Reyn

Thank you so much, Derek. That’s makes us two suckers for nature then. :stuck_out_tongue:

I did get into that dilemma regarding the scale during the production of the scene and the story. However, the snail is an Achatina Fulica (Giant African Land Snail).

Cheers! :slight_smile: