Does anyone know how to set a ‘look at’ view?
By this i mean when you want to model something on a face and your object is rotated in any direction, that you can select the face you want and set this face as your front view or as a top view.
Is there an addon or a setting? Maybe a thing i did not see?
A simple way without losing a lot of time by constantly repositioning your view unill you more or less get a ‘almost there’ result
If I understand you correctly…what you want is to hit Keypad + Period that will position you right over whatever you have selected once there you can hit 1 for the front, 3 for the side, 7 for the top…then use the HOME Key to pop back out to an overall view ( works best if there is just an object in the scene and not a bunch of lights and camera, etc…as it figures a bounding box around everything for the Home View…)
Thanks for your reply, but what i mean is when for example add a cube and you rotate it along the Z , say 20 degrees.
If you then want to have one of the faces directly in front view, how do you do that, without messing with the transform keys or repositioning your model in your scene.
The period key just brings it closer and you are right, if your model is along the axes that you can use the 1-3-7 key, i understand.
Like you just go in edit mode and select a face and you can set that face as front view, and all te other views go along.
In the View menu of the 3D viewport is “Align View” and then “Align View to Active”.
I’ve used it before.
It’s a little flakey, but often does the trick.
Good luck!
@ calpgrmr : Yes thanks, this does the almost wanted thing. I tried it a time ago but it is a bit flackey like you said, once you have the face that you want in front, the others , like top, are rotated when you press 7 and you have to do the trick again.
But again, thank you for the helping hand.
Perhaps it will help that using SHIFT+NUM7 aligns the view to the face in edit mode, not on the world axes but to any arbitrary face. SHIFT-NUM1 and NUM3 align to other axes of that face normal. Not sure if this is what you’re asking, this might just be a hot key for @calpgrmr suggestion
Ever see “Apollo 13”? Lovell has to steer the rocket by looking out the window.
I usually just pan and zoom with the mouse until it looks close… and hope for the best.
Thank you, this was what i was looking for