A lotta emails from 'Microsoft'

Lately I have been getting an awful lot of emails from ‘Microsof.’ I suspect, however, that they are not really from Microsoft. Why would Microsoft go from sending me no emails to sending me five or so of essentially the same email to me daily? They usually have difforent subject lines, but emails are quite similar.

I think they are not from Microsoft at all, but instead are viruses being sent claiming they are from Microsoft. Either that they are from somebody “fishing,” trying to direct me toward counterfiet web sites to have me send information to. Some of the emails seemed to have attatchments, and I know Microsoft doesn’t send attatchments with their emails … or at least they said they don’t at Microsoft’s site.

I just wish they would just stop comming. It’s really becoming annoying.

There has indeed been a virus disguised as an “Microsoft update your system safety today”, or something, on the loose lately. I don’t remember it’s name tough, but IF I recall right it tells people to update their system, while the worm infesting the message make the computer temporary trash mail sender.

Delete delete delete.

Email from microsoft = virus/worm.

Why would microsoft use email when it can just send you the alert directly through your operating system without your permission?

It is microshaft policy to never send out updates through e-mail.



And the thing about “Send this letter to everyone in your address book, and Bill Gates will pay you $1000!!!”

Doesn’t sound like the Bill Gates I know.

I think they mistakingly understood “pay” instead of “take”.


So if they send you a chain letter, then they’re breaking their own rules of use :slight_smile:

The Bill Gates I know is spending millions helping America’s horribly lacking school system. I heard an interview with a guy on NPR and I was thinkg, “Wow, this guy is really great, helping all these people,” and at the end the interviewer said, “That was Bill Gates about …”

Wouldn’t be hard for mee to test though (4 people in my address book)

Wouldn’t be hard for mee to test though (4 people in my address book)[/quote]
No need to test it out, because those kind of emails are just hefty loads of ignorant BS and cannot possibly work.

I know exactly how you feel - I got an email from ‘[email protected]’, and my dad unknowingly opened the attachment. He said it didn’t work but every time I start up the computer now it can’t load up rundll. You see when bt send me an e-mail it’s from ‘bt openworld team’.