A medieval house

well here it is, I won’t make any more update on it but critics and comments are always welcome!

–>http://theexodus.battletechmodproductions.com/xwarrior/medievalsmall.jpg<– (click to see the bigger pic)

well, I had my suspisions, so I opened the door… aaand! I was correct. damn. I knew I knew it… ( http://pasila.lib.hel.fi/~basse/tmp/medievalmyass.jpg )

anyways, great picture, very much different what normally expected to see from you… is this perhaps a new beginning?
oh… and that cart on the right … nice detail.


LOL!!! :o Basse, that is funnier than hell!!! hahaha. Nice picture X. looks great. :smiley:

nice render dewd, I also like that fiber roof u did looks neat.

basse: LOLOLOLOL got me…I knew someone would see it :stuck_out_tongue:

but no, it’s not a beginning of something…just a different thing from usually :stuck_out_tongue: and I have to say that I prefer working with solid things…grass and thatch is hard :stuck_out_tongue: hehe

tx for the comments :smiley:

lil tip thatch is a lot thicker.

we still got thatch roofs in wales :slight_smile: and slate both cost so much you wouldent belive.

Great image X-Warrior :slight_smile:

  • ADL7

Great work X-Warrior. A definite style turn for you, but you pulled it off.

Only crit would be to add an actual sky background instead of the black one.


Nice work X-Warrior. A teensy bit dark, but it looks like you were going for a night shot. Very organic feel to the textures.

Very nice! The only problem I see is that the wooden details are not casting shadows onto the walls there on.

I dont know if you did something with the grass, but it looks MUCH better imo. Nice work, as always :wink:
