A model free for use for texturing

So i built a cool hybrid space/atmospheric spacefighter gunship, and i know i dont have nearly the skills to texture it. So im just releasing the .blend file for anyone whos interested and wants to texture it, animate it, whatever. Free for whatever you want to do with it as long as i get some small amount of credit for building it. Feel free to edit the model, whatver. Ive recentered most stuff for easy animation, the cockpit canopy frame and glass rotate along the back, the engines and wings rotate for takeoff or whatever.

Heres the final images



And the URL for the blend file:


This should be the next Weekend challenge :slight_smile: see who can texture this model the best :smiley:

Hehe :slight_smile: Thanx for sharing !


That is a fantastic idea. I’m in if that is what it will be.

Enos Shenk - Thanks for sharing man. I’m gonna have some fun with this one.


Hehehe that would be a really cool challenge. I certainly wouldnt mind.

Here is a rough start on some texturing.


I need to work on the rust and the bump some more. But you get the idea. UV mapping as well, in case you were wondering. :stuck_out_tongue:


[edit]Played with the texture a bit. Got it to where I like it so far. Now on to the rest of it.[/edit]

Here is what i have so far:


Hahahahaha i guess he picked the wrong time to wing-walk

very good model!

I’m goign to give it a go…maybe I’ll come out with something good :smiley:

I,m goign to use freespace 2 texture :wink:

my little try…

after choosing some crappy freespace texture, here what I have :smiley:

It’s a captured Vorak fighter modified so human can use it :wink:


hope you like…

x-warrior: nice mist!

Thank you Enos for sharing this nice model.


I hope no one´s angry I didn´t pick this for the next WC, since

a) it´s too late
b) the model should then be published at the time the theme is announced, not earlier.

BTW cool model !