Wow I’m trying to achieve a similar effect on the far away ground and you got it perfect! Care to tell me how you did the ground?
Very nice. Five stars form me.
You could improve the texture on those planks and how the water meats the earth.
Nice… the ground in the distance seems more convincing to me than the ground in front of the pond. Very nice work though.
- take a heavily subdivided mesh plane
- bring the specular and hardness down on the material to almost nothing
- add several ( and i do mean several, like seven or eight ) textures (type: cloud) with varying noise sizes, depths, and brightness/contrast ratios.
- i like to set the mapping type of the textures to object ( an empty ) so i can scale rotate position the noise texture in 3d view instead of fiddling with numbers in the texture properties panel ( but thats up to you )
- very few of the textures are mapped to control the diffuse color. most are mapped to normal, but some are mapped to warp, and some are set to stencil the next texture. play around with moving them up and down the list.
- displace modifiers!!! i hook up a few of the textures to the displace modifier. at this point it helps to make sure you have ctrl-a applied any scaling, otherwise your molehills will be mountains. strength of displace modifiers: in the range of 0.05 to 0.5. depends on the scale of the scene.
- the rocks were added as a particle system, then the grass as another ( hair )
- very light mist ( set the limit of the mist farther away than the camera can see )
as far as i can remember, thats mostly it.
Looks kinda Fallout style, well doe!