I finely gotten the change to try out Equinox-3D, it’s a great modeling program so far, what makes this unique is the real time material and textureing, this program also have three type of spline and extreamly fast ray tracer built in; it also has a option to render with pov.
The extruding along spline saves alot of time. Later down the road I’ll add more detail about this program as well as more snapshots.
Tuesday 25 May 2004 7:00PM
OMG, this baby got 3D mode for modeling !!! This program is filled with surprises and if that’s not enough, it also has multiple grids in every plane.
Another interesting feature is the fractal terrain, now this option has both square and triangle pattern, the triangle seems to be much more sensitive and allows more detail, the terrain feature can be adjust according to three different levels, 1. sea level 2. rock level 3. snow level, the density of the mesh can also be adjusted as well.
It’s not too bad. I’ve been tracking it for years now.
The problem is that it’s no opensource, so dependancies can’t be solved very easy. Secondly it uses the extremely outdated motif. And thridly it’s a bit buggy for me.
I read somewhere that when it hit’s 1.0 he’s going to open source it.
Ok, just some clearing up issue, when I said 3D mode, I met a way to model using the red and blue glasses like you get at the movies, people who map out DNA use this method on the computer. The grid allows you to see 3 plane views at once so you won’t get lost when working from different angles.
As for BevObj, never heard of it and even if I had I don’t think it could extrude along a path, I know there’s a Mickey mouse way to do this in blender by using the animation feature, but that’s just too much time and confusing as well.
The fractal terrain in this program is very different from the Subdivide Fract, but I don’t use that feature so what would I know. The fractal terrain in this program is very similar to the game fractal terrain http://www.gameprogrammer.com/fractal.html which can be determine with sea, land and snow height.
I like the real time rendering because it takes allot of guess work on how a texture or bump is going to look before you do any ray tracing
OK, that is cool, but I don’t see it as a “must have” :-?
Incidentally, there is a sequence plugin to make red/green and red/blue renders (called RGSTEREO iirc) but it’s not the same as having it in the 3d window.
It’s exactly this attitude that is why you’re so infamous in political threads - the “I have no idea what I’m talking about but my opinion is valid anyway” stance.
Anyways, 4 steps to bevobj greatness:
(1) Make profile curve, (2) make path curve, (3) put name of profile into BevObj field on path, (4) bingo
The profile is twisted in places in the final shot, because the path curve is complex, but that could easily be fixed by tweaking the tilt of the nodes. I just didn’t bother because it’s only a quick mock-up.
Again, check your facts first.
I read that page top to bottom, and that’s exactly what subdiv fract does.
Try it yourself - add a plane and hit subdiv fract a few times. It lives in the W menu, and also in editbuttons (F9).
Personally for landscaping for a scene I prefer to start with a coarse grid that I can shape first, so I can set where the mountains and valleys are.