A* Pathfinding + obstacle avoidance 1.4 Release

I hope not too noob, but I have ai that avoid without script and would like to know (script vs bricks), which uses more cpu?


very_simple_ai.blend (256 KB)

eh… i might be stupid but why is the link in the form ******.org?

Because for some reason the forum is replacing paste all (without the space) with ********. Just change it back and it should work.

pls, insert the demo link :frowning:


ah ok now i have understand

This is great, very usefull and very cool.
Thanks a lot for share with us!!!

No file to download at pasteall.org :frowning:

PasteAll keeps files for 5 months.
The post before yours was 2 years ago. :wink:
Now lets let this RIP.