Inspired from one of my favorite Lost in Space episodes and listening to Aerosmith’s cover of ‘walking the dog’, over & over & over…
the main characters are really nice, but the background distracts me a little.
I agree with dinesharun, the main character is awesome , but the sky looks like it’s been taken with a fish-eye lens and that makes a weird, somehow unpleasant effect.
But I’m very impressed with the princess and the dogs! Nice work!
I think it looks good… all of it… I think the background would suit being a more of a twilight setting and more emphasis on the hanging lights… I.e. sky being much darker but not necessarily night time…
I think the fish-eyeness of the sky adds to the feel of the pic… but like I say would probs look better a little darker…
Pretty good work! As you all can see: listening to good music while working with blender always improves your work
Hah thats cool! I totally was expecting something different from the title.
Try modelling while listening to Flight of the Bumble Bees – You will produce some crazy work!
Hey thanks for the comments and crits everyone, always appreciated
nothing that a little Depth of Field wont help
Nice. Like the materials, What did you render with, internal?:eek: Anyway, do agree with dinesharun about the background being distracting. Like jerkyace said, maybe blur that out a bit with some DOF.
However I have a question: Why would a princess walk her dogs when the butler could do it? Ha Ha just joking!
Hey John A.M. I rendered in Octane, man this renderer is almost addictive! As to the DOF, I tend not to use effects unless it is absolutely necessary for the image I’m after. To me they always stand out and shout “look at me I’m a special effect!” I wish I had a butler