A problem to solve

Some people dont have the time to actulaly look up what they need, so to make it easy they decide to post it on a forum. Then some people take to themselve that they need to yell at that person for not looking for the same question on the forum. I personally think that those people need to just leave it alone.

And to prevent many posts of the same question I believe that there needs to be just one sticky post that answers frequently asked questions. This way it prevents people from getting mad and helps those in need.

That is what the Knowledge Base is there for


BTW, more than 5 sticky posts in a forum make no sense. A sticky post
is ‘highlighted’ If too many are, it is like if none is.


I find that the SEARCH function is very helpful. :smiley: 99% of the problems that I’ve encountered with Blender has been encountered by every one else here, so it is well documented on Elysiun.