Im having some issue with parenting objects to bones in blender 2.72 that I did not have in 2.71. I usually parent eyes and hair objects to the head bone so they move correctly, but theres a serious problem and I need to address the problem now before I go any further. But its best explained in the video
You notice the “bouncing, or lagging behind the bones” that only occurs in 2.72
This is the exact same file with no changes made at all. Im wondering watch causing this lagging behing the bone in 2.72 that was not in 2.71. Im hoping its a simple setting or something thats changed since 2.71 that I can address. But I need to fix it now before I go any further, or I need to go back to 2.71. Any help On why this is happening would be greatly appreciated.
eyes and hair are not part of the main mesh. They are objects just parented to the bone itself, not to the armature. And I might would agree with you, but its the exact same file, no changes. Works fine in 2.71 then this bohunkus in 2.72
Yeah, that bug introduced after 2.71
Allready reported that ages ago.
You can bypass this bug if you have one buffered shadow light.
I’ve had lots of problems importing animations and such in Blender from other software, the best thing to do is import the mesh and do all your animation in Blender, for some reason it just really doesn’t like importing anything complex right now. I had IK Constraints on a simple model I did, IK Bones and so on imported to Blender once and it imported everything as 3 seperate bits not attached to the mesh at all or anything.
Here’s a nicely detailed tutorial I found in the documentation if you’re willing to learn blender animation so you don’t have to search for it. I can confirm everything worked a lot better once I learned how to do all the rigging and animating in blender instead.
Yeah, that bug introduced after 2.71
Allready reported that ages ago.
You can bypass this bug if you have one buffered shadow light.
The buffered shadow light thing fixed it. I looked at the bug in the tracker and it was said that this is not an important bug. Not being able to play animations correctly is not important? NVM the fact that this cuts all the multi-texture people, since you need GLSL to do buffer shadows. Seems like this would be high priority
‘Seems like this would be high priority’
Yeah, our project is now restricted to 2.71 player.
But you can still use 2.72 for game developing, new texture paint is good.
And yes with lightbuffers things seems in time, but yeah, bug still exist
What we can do, just wish time for developers to GE-side too… seems no one in few months.
Did you report this one? I just noticed it today, and like the above problem it is fixed by adding a buffer shadow lamp…
Very strange bug.
The effect is like this:
When using armatures in game with restrict animation updates checked the animations play the first time you run the game engine, but the next time you run the engine they don’t play at all. If you uncheck the box everything is fine. If you change a pose, or modify a pose then animations work once an then fail again next time BGE is started.
Adding a buffered shadow light fixes it.
but… I don’t really want a shadow, I’ve already got plans for using planes with an alpha texture.
EDIT: OH! It seems somethign else is at work there because if you wait a while the animation does EVENTUALLY play, after a long delay.
Try the example file inthis bug report(related to a different issue with restrict animation updates, posted by AceDragon).
Also adding a lamp is now not guaranteed to fix the problem, you still have to wait a while for it to start up.
Until we see Moguri having time again (noting that he has a job now), until we see the BF offer contract work for BGE improvement, or until we see a faster track for various BGE fixes stuck in the patch tracker to get into master, then I wouldn’t even bother reporting the bugs since the bug tracker is basically an echo chamber at the moment.
Considering what I figure, if it is true that it may now be months between BGE commits, then the engine is dead, developers will be better off working on the Godot, Harmony, BDX, or Panda 3D engines and create a tight bridge between them and Blender, then this forum section should become archived as there will be no more BGE.
I actually had a dream last night about me posting to the mods to archive and hide away the entire BGE section, it may actually be coming once we get a good replacement FOSS solution for game dev. going, many of my games for instance need a rethought anyway.