Is there a way for a lamp to drop pink shadows unstead of grey/black shadows ?
Is there a way for a lamp to drop pink shadows unstead of grey/black shadows ?
i think there was a tutorial on negative lights somewhere that would help you out in this - the tutorial was dealing with faking radiosity images cant remember who made it though
there is a great tutorial about shadows at:
follow these steps for outside illumination and modify them in the following way:
duplicate the sphere after you have created the dupliverts and the subdevided zone for your “sun” location. now erase in one sphere all faces which are not subdevided and on the other sphere erase the subdevided area.
both pieces fit together should represent the entired sphere.
as each dupliverted spot can be edited for it’s own, you can define a color for the sun and a color for the surrounding lights.
with this trick you can craete very realistic daylight simulations by defining a softly yellow spot as sun and a deep blue spot for the surrounding.
hope one can understand what i’m talking about
I gave a shadow a bluish tint by adding a lamp in front of the shadow and making it blue. I adjusted the enegy until I got the effect I wanted.
it’s easy.
Take you spotlight that will be casting the colored shadow and turn it’s Shadow option off. Set its light color to be the color of the shadow.
Duplicate it (Shift-D). Turn Shadow back on. Turn Negative on.
et voilà
Could you explain the logics behind this solution?
First, the colored spot without shadow add a colored tint to everything in its area of effect.
Second, the negative spotlight with shadow removes that tint, but since it has shadow turned on, it only removes it in areas that are not blocked by other objects.
So, the only areas that are lefts with a colored tint are those hidden behind other objects (those that are in the “shadow area” of the negative spolight).
PS: oh, and just so you know, I didn’t create this technique.
Thanks everybody !
Wao!!! that is what i call a clever solution !!
You should post it in the 'Cool Things in Blender that aren’t so obvious¨ thread
It would make a neat adition to the list.
blender needs some serious light enhancements.
somewoalk arounds are fine but there should be a direct solution for it.