A question to developers

I’ve been working for some time in Sketchup [SKP] and some idea came to my mind re. object grouping/nesting:
Present object grouping in Blender is usefull but does not work in full extent of such function.
What I suggest is it be possible/reasonable to create nested hierarchy for the objects to be manipulated as one on any level of nesting(except lowest level-mesh, vertice ect),
ie. some regular Blender objects are being ‘grouped/blocked’ altogether to form a superobject. This would be editable as:

  • ObjectMode -> every highest level of Superobject/Object
  • EditMOde -> every lower level of super object (lowest would be mesh/vertice etc-as is so far)

The idea is known in SKP as Components and Groups
When ‘Grouped’: one can edit whole as one, can be nested how you want, changing objects lower in hierarchy would not
alter objects grouped in higher hierarchy.
When ‘Component’ made: difference w/above is/generally/ - object altered in lower hierarchy imply changes of the Components in higher hierarchy.

May seem a bit confusing or I cant explain it better at the moment but its really v.usefull in common work flow.


Just check GroupPro addon. It behaves similar to the sketchup components…

Real object Grouping/GruppenSex whatever.