It’s not finished yet I’m gonna redo the textures so it looks better and mabye add a few more details but this is what i have so far. Tell me what you think.
Just remember the texturing sucks cause it’s about the lightmap test.
it took like 3 hours total
It woulda took less but i had to keep redoing it and starting over cause i didnt know what i was doing till the end and i finally figured it out
Quick question: I’m not familiar with this much, so maybe I’m just blatently missing something. But did you UV map on textures, then bake the ligting? If so, How? When I bake something, only blender materials show up on the new image.
Just a little “light” in my direction would be nice…
I been saying this for years and I just cant stop saying it: BLENDER KEEPS GETTING BETTER AND BETTER!!
-your new texturing looks nice, but I even think your 3 hour “test is amazing”
I’ll use this opportunity to plug my skydome tutorial
Annd check out my Acropolis thread to see a working file with the nice sky effects.
Also, you just want to ditch those textures and make yourself some much higher rez ones. That’d make it look much better I think. I still am incredibly happy over the inclusion of the baked shadows. So so cool. My input.
ya the skybox sucks but that was just a quick thing that i added in like 5 minutes… i’m gonna try ot make a new one that matches in terragen and add something for edges… mabye add a few more building or something or a fence or something… no idea
Edit: hahah i clicked on the link to your tutorial right after i posted this and your skybox thing uses terragen like i said
to create good mountain effects, I’d take them from completely different images and have it on a seperate alphaed mesh, that way they wont move if you want your skybox to move (which looks very nice). You could do this by creating mountains in Terragen, using the same capture method I demonstrate, then using the GIMP or PS to correct the color however you want, and add detail. In my Acropolis file, I used several different photographs of the city of athens and used the clone and smudge tools to make them fuse well. Best of luck.