A retro game idea


I found it very interesting :slight_smile:


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Lol, I just thought it was a good idea for a game :slight_smile:

I remember hearing about that game - looks good. Hope they continue.

Just out of curiosity, how is that at all retro? It looked extremely modern to me. Interesting concept, too.

Retro gameplay with a modern twist I guess. Looks extremely modern? When I think of modern games I usually don’t think of 2d side scrollers with sharp synthed (retro game styled) audio.

Also, the main character is 2D, and looks not unlike a character from Cave Story.

Can you really doubt the retro-ness?

I think not.

Who cares if it is retro or not. I think -[Killer]- wants to show us a nice game concept ;).

I think it is nice

there is a lot of old retro games which have been forgotten. I hope that soon many of them we will see in a new vision.

It just proves that there ARE original game ideas still out there. You just need to think about it long and hard. And I think that’s why so many games on here fail, simply because unoriginal concepts get boring to work on after a while (when you realize what you’re making has been done 100 times before). I truly believe that if someone on these forums came up with an idea like that, the game would get completed. Simply because they realize it’s such a unique concept that it’s fun to make something new and fun that hasn’t been made before.