What is CSV F-Curve Importer?
This is a Python script for Blender 2.5x or later and it imports a CSV file into Blender and creates f-curves. The image below shows the UI of CSV F-Curve Importer and imported sine curves in the rotation euler X and Y as shown in F-Curve Editor window. Please watch the video to get the idea of what the script can do for your artwork.
CSV F-Curve Importer v0.7 alpha5
csv_fcurve_importer v0_7_alpha5.zip
(It is being developed in SourceForge.net)
CSV F-Curve Importer works as a plugin on Blender 2.5x or later. I confirmed it works well on Blender 2.74.
- Be able to import a CSV file and create f-curves.
- Be able to import and create multi f-curves in any Data Pathes (loc X, Y, …) in any Action data at once.
- Not Yet : Be able to import with more detailed settings of f-curves, gains, bias, …etc.
- Not Yet : Be able to import automatically without setting in the UI.
How to Start to Use Most Easily:
If you want to know how to use quickly, it would be the fastest way to see this video tutorial. Also you can read the instruction below.
— Installing Plugin —
- Download a file csv_fcurve_importer v0_7_alpha5.zip from “Download:” link above. Then unzip it and make sure a file csv_fcurve_importer v0_7_alpha4.py is created.
- Close Blender if it’s running.
- Put the file csv_fcurve_importer.py to “%BlenderInstalledAddress%\Blender%Version%\scripts\addons”. (%BlenderInstalledAddress% means the address in which Blender is installed. %Version% means Blender’s version number like 2.74.)
- Start Blender.
- From the top menu, select “File -> User Preferences…” to see Blender User Preferences window.
- In the left list, select “Import-Export” item and you’ll find “Import-Export: CSV F-Curve Importer” in the right list.
- Click the check box of “Import-Export: CSV F-Curve Importer” and make sure a check mark is placed.
- Click “Save As Default” button to keep this setting.
— Importing a CSV File —
- Find the UI of CSV F-Curve Importer in Scene panel.
- Select a CSV file in “.csv File Path:” file selection box. For example, use “Sample\1_Data_MostEasily.csv” in the .zip file.
- Click “Add” button and you’ll see a configuration box below.
- Specify “Time column:” number, for example 0.
- Specify “Data column:” number, for example 1.
- Specify “Action Name:” text box, for example “Sample”.
- Specify “Data Path:” text box, for example “location”.
- Specify “Index:” number, for example 0.
- Click “Import” button.
- You’ll see an imported f-curve in Graph window.
— Parameters Explanations —
- “Time Column:” number means what number of the columns in a CSV file you import as a time data.
- “Data Column:” number means what number of the columns in a CSV file you import as a value data.
- “Action Name:” text means the name of Action object in which f-curves are created.
- “Data Path:” text means the type of path, for example location, rotation, scale, etc.
- “Index:” number means the type of axis where 0 is x-axis, 1 is y-axis, and 2 is z-axis.
- “Data Path:” = location and “Index:” = 0 means LocX IPO in Blender 2.49 or older. “Data Path:” = location and “Index:” = 1 is LocY, “Data Path:” = rotation_euler and “Index:” = 0 is RotZ, etc.
Video Tutrials:
Recent Change Logs:
2015/05/10: v0.7 alpha5
+ added the checkboxes to select delimiter letters.
2015/05/01: v0.7 alpha4
+ updated for Blender 2.74.
+ special thanks to chebhou and vklidu, who made this script work
and confirm it in Blender 2.74.
+ removed prop_search and replaced to string box. Now you can specify
any name for Action and Data Path.
2013/06/23: v0.7 alpha3
+ removed feature to select data path name to avoid addon init error.
2013/02/20: v0.7 alpha2
+ modified to read comments in .csv file.
2011/04/19: v0.7 alpha1
+ updated for Blender 2.57.
+ special thanks to bladecoder, who made this script work in Blender
2011/02/20: v0.6 alpha3
+ refactoring for the class field names.
+ add unit test_one class for FCurvePointAdder.
+ fix bug related to add-on registration.
(you MUST access bpy.data.scenes[0] ANY TIMES to get
CONFIG_CsvFcurveImporter contents)
2010/10/31: v0.6 alpha2
+ rewrite the logic part of script to read a file and to add points to
+ add add-on information data.
+ add a feature to output log data to console after importing.
2010/10/24: v0.6 alpha1
+ rewrite the CSV Importer script for Blender 2.5. (the minimum feature)
+ create a UI for the f-curve import configuration.
2010/06/07: v0.5 beta3
+ fixed the bug in which it doesn't import a .csv file with detailed
timeline. (Thank you for reporting, okchoir)
2007/08/03: v0.5 beta2
+ added New=Ipo, Object to detail setup items of AutoMode.
+ fixed lots of bug after final test.
+ can print out setups in HandleMode.
2007/07/24: v0.5 beta1
+ can write setups for both IPO curves and meshes into a CSV file and
import it automatically.
+ can write detailed setups for both IPO curves and meshes into a CSV
file (AutoMode only).
2007/07/02: v0.4 beta
+ improved GUI for better usability.
+ added buttons, Reset, SaveLogs in GUI.
+ improved the contents of logs.
2006/11/24: v0.3 beta
+ can import data from a CSV file and create meshes
(AutoMode unsupported).
2006/10/13: v0.2 beta
+ can print out logs for debug (suggestion of Manda).
2006/10/09: v0.1 beta
+ can write setups into a CSV file and import it automatically
2006/10/07: v0.0 beta
+ first edition.
+ can use GUI for setup.
+ can save setups to Registry in Blender.
+ can import data from a CSV file and create IPO curves.
The Differences from v0.5 beta3:
v0.6 series are rewritten for Blender 2.5x based on the previous v0.5 beta3. It is still under development and it only has very limited features yet. The features that v0.5 beta3 has and that v0.6 series haven’t yet would be added one by one in the future updates.